Remote Office Technology | Janesville, WI

Remote Worker Solutions for Teleworkers and Work From Home

Work from homeRemote working has become increasingly common in recent times, thanks to innovations that enable work from home or on-the-go to be just as productive as being in the office. Not only can a remote workforce mean lower overhead and more flexible schedules, enabling productive work from home can greatly pay off in times of large-scale public health and safety concerns, such as disease outbreaks, major weather events and other natural disasters.

Consider for example, major snowstorms and hurricanes that compromise employees’ ability to get to work safely, national security events such as 9/11, and more recently, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

These events threaten not just employees’ health and safety, but also business continuity. As more and more events have arisen in recent times, many businesses are now allowing teleworking for their employees, and are making greater investments in remote office technology. Determining the right IT solutions for teleworkers is crucial.

DirectNetworks is a preferred provider of remote and home office technology for businesses in Janesville, WI. Our work from home solutions will ensure all the important bases are covered for enabling a secure and productive remote workforce.

There are 3 critical areas to address for a productive remote work environment:

Efficient Remote Access to Critical Applications and Data

Employees working remotely need to operate as efficiently as if they were in the office. Deadlines, documents and data need to be at their fingertips whether working from home or teleworking around the world. Many times, remote workers are productive at all hours of the day and may need important information or the need to collaborate on a report with corporate headquarters. In short, we help organizations create an efficient and effective remote work environment that feels as if management, employees and resources are right down the hall.

Having the Best Collaboration and Communication Tools

Remote work thrives with apps and platforms to enable project transparency and real-time collaboration. Today's collaboration tools allow for sharing and joint work on documents, incorporate video conferencing, and are effective for customer communication as well. Remote workers can meet with teams in a group environment or host an online webinar or meeting virtually, many times more efficiently than in the office. Whether working with Microsoft Teams, Cloud Phone Systems or Cisco WebEx, we help teams collaborate.

Top-notch Internet Reliability and Security

As far as the Internet reaches is as far away as your remote workers can be! While this is wonderful, and many home WiFi routers are adequate for day to day business activities and applications, they are often not optimized to deliver consistent, secure coverage.

This is especially true when others in the home are using bandwidth for work, gaming or streaming. Remote workers should be set up with a reliable Ethernet connection or business-level Wifi to ensure reliable performance. When considering a remote work environment, cybersecurity must be a top priority. You will need to have policies in place that restrict employees from using an unsafe WiFi network, and their environment should be protected with Firewalls, Antivirus and VPNs. Whenever possible, remote workers should encrypt traffic, require multi-factor authentication and ensure personal devices are patched and up to date. If using personal devices, Mobile Device Management and Secure Email should be incorporated.

Private and Affordable Remote Worker Solutions by DirectNetworks

DirectNetworks has helped design, implement and install private remote worker solutions for over 20 years. Leveraging cloud computing solutions such as Virtual Desktop VDI from VMware, XenApp from Citrix and Microsoft Terminal Remote Desktop Servers, we have helped all sizes of organizations build efficient remote worker solutions for frequent daily computing and disasters.

While all of this can sound very expensive to build and install for your organization, We recognize that all sizes and types of organizations need remote and home worker access. With that in mind, we designed AFFORDABLE MANAGED CLOUD DESKTOP and REMOTE WORKER solutions businesses can RENT at a low per user, per month rate.

Remote computing using sophisticated work from home technology has grown in popularity and may become the new normal in the wake of public health concerns, like the 2020 COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. For more information on our Remote Teleworker Managed Services, contact us today.

Contact DirectNetworks for more info on your remote worker solutions.