Why We Must Have a Forward-Thinking Mentality to Customer Service

August 26th, 2014

By Matthew Sorenson

What does great customer service mean to you? Can you recall a time where you received good service? What was the issue at hand? How quickly and efficiently was the problem resolved? Did you feel more at ease when it was all said and done? We all have different expectations for what we consider to be great customer service.

Safeguard Your Devices – A Back to School Guide

August 22nd, 2014

By Matthew Sorenson

It is that time of year again. Students are heading back to colleges and universities across the country. Their minds are focused on moving into new dorm rooms and apartments, buying supplies and books, and registering for classes.

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Cyber Risk – Is Your Business Protected?

August 14th, 2014

By Matthew Sorenson

When it comes to the information technology (IT) industry, recent advancements in several key areas such as memory, processing speed, bandwidth, and centralized storage have allowed for great strides in computer efficiency.

Russian Hackers Steal 1.2 Billion Login Credentials

August 8th, 2014

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Or did they? Security experts are on the fence. For more in-depth articles examining how great of a security breach this is, visit here and here.

That being said, here are five things you can do to help bolster your online security.

The Subtle Art of Internet Tracking

August 1st, 2014

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Never in human history has there been so much data available about average people. I've discussed this before when speaking about how social media gives anybody a platform to make their voice heard. In the past, it was always possible to learn about the famous, the infamous, and the top echelon of society.