Microsoft is constantly updating and improving its Outlook email program, and some users struggle to keep up with all the new and exciting features. If you want to catch up on the latest productivity-enhancing tricks, this is the article for you. Clean Up your inbox No matter inbox how meticulously organized your Outlook inbox is, […]
Outlook tips to increase productivity
New scam freezes Chrome to panic users
Con artists have created a new method of deceiving Chrome users by freezing their browsers and displaying a security notification with bogus tech-support contact details. Their ultimate goal is to scare potential victims and trick them into dialing the fake hotline number on the screen. The End Game The scam works by displaying an error […]
Cortana Improves Business Productivity
With so many affordable IT tools on the market, it’s a great time to be a small-business owner. Most of them are basic and won’t require much training, too, so you don’t have to be tech-savvy to use them effectively. All you have to do is find the right one for your particular goals and […]
Use Single Sign-On to Tackle Account Sprawl
No matter how valuable your cloud subscriptions are, each new set of login credentials users are forced to create and memorize adds another level of inefficiency. With something called Single Sign-On (SSO), you can create one user profile that logs you into all your online accounts. If you’re overwhelmed by the number of passwords linked […]
Top tips for first-time virtualization users
Unlike most solutions, virtualization technology is not plug and play. It requires you to understand your IT environment and know which aspects could and should be virtualized. This is not something we expect first-time virtualization users to grasp right away, so if you’re planning to implement it, follow these tips. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your […]
What you need to know to select a VoIP service
Voice over IP (VoIP) technology epitomizes every small-business owner’s IT goals. It’s affordable, flexible, and full of features that make it a valuable long-term investment. There are countless worthwhile VoIP options. You just need to know your priorities and what to look for. Total cost of ownership The most pressing concern when adopting new technology […]
Office 365 enhancements for iOS and Mac
Good news for Office 365 subscribers who use Apple devices: Microsoft apps now seamlessly integrate with the Apple ecosystem, which means working on documents is now much easier on an iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Here are some of those key capabilities. Co-authoring in Word, Excel, PowerPoint Apple users can now co-edit documents in Word, Excel, […]
How Facebook’s News Feed tweaks affect you
Facebook’s newest action can mean bad news to businesses. The company had announced its decision to screen its News Feed to include less content from publishers and businesses and more from your loved ones. This comes after the allegations of how social media has unconsciously shaped people’s opinion and mental well-being. Potential outcome for Facebook […]
Distributed spam hides illegal activities
Cybercriminals are fairly experienced at avoiding detection. By the time you notice they’ve infected your computer with malware or hijacked your account, serious damage has most likely already been done. To make matters worse, they have another way to hide their illegal activities, and it involves sending thousands of spam emails. Understanding DSD Distributed Spam […]
Virtual DR: The best anti-ransomware tool
From CryptoLocker to WannaCry, ransomware has grown in sophistication and scope over the past few years. And given its widespread success with hackers, more ransomware attacks will likely be developed further into 2018. In anticipation of these attacks, many experts are saying that virtualized disaster recovery solutions may be the best way to defend against […]
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