Should you monitor your employees online?

March 15th, 2016

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor, that is the topic of this blog post today. If you’ve ever considered monitoring your staff’s online activities, you may’ve been lost as to whether or not it’s the right decision. So we’ve listed the pros and cons of doing it, and some tips to make it […]

IT security concerns of the finance sector

February 29th, 2016

The time to increase cyber situational awareness and establish better security strategies has never been more opportune. Since 2015, the number of attacks on the financial services sector has increased and shows no signs of letting up. Whether it be extortion or credential-stealing malware, different tactics are utilized to target desired areas. To optimize safety, […]

Security policies every business needs

February 9th, 2016

When it comes to Internet security, a reported 87% of small businesses have no security policies in place at at all. And considering that employee error is one of the most common causes of an online security breach, it makes sense to have rules in place that your staff need to follow.

This small business was hacked. Are you next?

January 25th, 2016

When it comes to the online security of their business, many SMB owners consider it an afterthought. They think their business is too small to be of any concern to cyber criminals, and there’s good reason for this mentality. How often are security breaches to SMBs listed in the news? Rarely.

Chimera ransomware: what to know

December 29th, 2015

You are probably already familiar with ransomware, one of the nastier forms of malicious software that does the rounds every now and again, but what you may not already be acquainted with is a ransomware program called Chimera. Only recently discovered, Chimera’s creators have taken the already unpleasant ransomware program’s scare tactics to the next […]

Potential IT security issues in 2016

December 28th, 2015

As a small or medium-sized business owner or manager, it’s only to be expected that you want to keep your company safe from cyber attacks and hacking attempts. But how much do you really know about online safety? With massive corporations such as Sony falling victim to attack, cyber security has never been more in […]

Spam CSI

August 7th, 2015

You may have noticed a few more SPAM messages in your inbox recently. SPAM, not the yummy meat product kind either, is trending up again, reminding us all that the pest has not gone away. Recently I attended a brainstorm where we sat and rethought the battle with SPAM, yes SPAM. Instead of the typical kneejerk reaction of adjusting our SPAM filter or screaming, we decided to CSI or in other words use intelligence to analyze and defeat the anonymous beast.

What Right Can We Expect to Privacy in the Digital Age?

October 3rd, 2014

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Celebrity photo hacks, corporate data breaches; it begs the question, what right can we expect to privacy in the digital age?

While it appears, hopefully, that many credit card companies are now looking at changing the way they process card payments -- essentially forcing retailers to update inherently flawed card readers and point of sale systems responsible for recent breaches at Target and Home Depot -- that does not account for the increasing number of digital hacks.

Safeguard Your Devices – A Back to School Guide

August 22nd, 2014

By Matthew Sorenson

It is that time of year again. Students are heading back to colleges and universities across the country. Their minds are focused on moving into new dorm rooms and apartments, buying supplies and books, and registering for classes.

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Russian Hackers Steal 1.2 Billion Login Credentials

August 8th, 2014

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Or did they? Security experts are on the fence. For more in-depth articles examining how great of a security breach this is, visit here and here.

That being said, here are five things you can do to help bolster your online security.