SIP Means Mobile

January 10th, 2014

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

So every once and a while, I get struck by how cool technology is today. Actually, working in this industry that probably adds up to once or twice a day. Today's cool thing directly influences our hosted VoIP customers and so I thought I'd bring it to the blog.

Fractals, the Internet and the Art of Order in Chaos

January 3rd, 2014


By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

This week something a little different. Each week, I spend some time on the internet looking for articles about internet technology, tech advances and cloud computing to post on our Facebook and social media. Recently, I ran across this wonderful video about Benoît B. Mandelbrot, the scientist who discovered fractals.

The Techno-Babble Dictionary: Networking

December 27th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Hey folks, we're back this week with a new entry in the techno-babble dictionary. This week we'll be looking at a bunch of terms for your network.

LAN or Local Area Network is a network established in a geographically small location, such as a home or office.

How to Stay Tech Safe This Holiday Season

December 20th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Today we're taking a break from the techno-babble to refresh some important security points to remember during the holiday season.

By now, most everyone has heard of the data breach at Target that compromised up to 40 billion credit cards.

Techno-Babble Dictionary: Sassy

December 12th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin
This week's words have to do with those pesky up down and up again acronyms pertaining to IT services. As if acronyms weren't confusing enough! It's like that annoying phase teenagers go through where they write everything like ThIs. At least we aren't dotting our i's with flowers or hearts.

Techno-Babble Dictionary: Are you Being Served?

December 6th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Or rather, are you being server-ed? Servers. They're big; they're noisy; they're expensive. And we all rely on them on a daily basis at home and in the workplace. But what are these servers we depend on for so many things?

They are those tall towers of boxes that process your data.

The Techno-Babble Dictionary: Cold and Flu Season

November 20th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

You come into work one day, sit down at your computer and go to a website you visit every single day, when wham! there's a giant FBI symbol on your screen telling you you've done something illegal and they are holding your computer hostage until you pay a fine.

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The Techno-Babble Dictionary: Introduction

November 15th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

Do you sometimes feel like IT these days throws a bunch of catch phrases and acronyms at you? Do you feel entirely overwhelmed in a changing tech world where concepts like "the cloud" are bandied about with little explanation for how they work? Yep, I'm right there with you.

Why the Cloud is Like a Cloud

November 8th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

I know I posted recently in Top 5 Secrets for Effective Cloud Computing that the cloud is not actually a cloud. In many ways however, cloud computing is very much like the meteorological phenomenon we witness in our skies. Wikipedia defines a cloud as:
In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body.

Data Security on Your iPhone or Android Device

October 29th, 2013

By Naomi Dolin-Aubertin

I think I can safely say that we've all had one of those moments where we frantically dig through purse,
pockets or car looking for our phone. And I doubt I'm speaking just for myself when I say that those few moments before finding my phone are accompanied by mild panic.